

Usage for mdx

import { Tabs, TabItem } from '@shawspring/astro-components';
<TabItem label="counterStore.ts">
<TabItem label="counterStore.js">

The code above generates the following on the page:

export const useCounterStore = defineStore('counter', {
state: () => ({
count: 0,
getters: {
doubleCount(state) {
return state.count * 2
doubleCountPlusOne(): number {
return this.doubleCount + 1
// 你可以在 JavaScript 中使用 JSDoc (
export const useCounterStore = defineStore('counter', {
state: () => ({
count: 0,
getters: {
// 类型是自动推断出来的,因为我们没有使用 `this`
doubleCount: (state) => state.count * 2,
// 这里我们需要自己添加类型(在 JS 中使用 JSDoc)
// 可以用 this 来引用 getter
* 返回 count 的值乘以 2 加 1
* @returns {number}
doubleCountPlusOne() {
// 自动补全 ✨
return this.doubleCount + 1

Usage for astro

import {Tabs, TabItem} from '@shawspring/astro-components';
<TabItem label="npm">
<div class="h-8 ring-1">
<span class="font-bold text-amber-500">npm</span> add @shawspring/astro-components
<TabItem label="yarn">
<div class="h-16 ring-1">
<span class="font-bold text-amber-500">yarn</span> add @shawspring/astro-components
npm add @shawspring/astro-components
yarn add @shawspring/astro-components


export interface Props {
* All `<Tabs>` on a page with the same `syncKey` value will display the same active panel.
syncKey?: string;
* at least one children required for slot
children: any;
* custom class names appended to the component
class?: string;
* custom class names appended to the content of `<TabItem>`
itemClass?: string;

Synced tabs

All <Tabs> on a page with the same syncKey value will display the same active panel.

<Tabs syncKey="pkg">
<TabItem label="npm">
npm install axios
<TabItem label="yarn">
yarn add axios
<TabItem label="pnpm">
pnpm add axios
<TabItem label="bun">
bun add axios
<Tabs syncKey="pkg">
<TabItem label="npm">...</TabItem>
<TabItem label="yarn">...</TabItem>
<TabItem label="pnpm">...</TabItem>
<TabItem label="bun">...</TabItem>

The code above generates the following on the page:

Terminal window
npm install axios
Terminal window
yarn add axios
Terminal window
pnpm add axios
Terminal window
bun add axios
Terminal window
npm create vue@latest
Terminal window
yarn create vue@latest
Terminal window
pnpm create vue@latest
Terminal window
bun create vue@latest
last modified: 2024-08-10 21:45 +08:00