
astro components

a component library for Astro, but it is not complete yet.

Issues and pull requests are welcomed!



  • support SSG
  • support dark mode


Terminal window
npm install @shawspring/astro-components
Terminal window
yarn add @shawspring/astro-components
Terminal window
pnpm add @shawspring/astro-components


  • Expandion
  • Tabs


There have 3 ways to customize:

  1. all components have a class prop for root element. you can customize global styles.

  2. just copy source code and customize css.

  3. Reuse a built-in component. for example:

import {Expansion, type ExpansionProps} from '@shawspring/astro-components';
interface Props extends ExpansionProps {}
Astro.props.class = `${Astro.props.class} custom-expansion`;
<Expansion {...Astro.props}>
<div class="px-4"><slot /></div>
<style is:global>
.custom-expansion {
padding: 0 1rem;
width: 50%;
border: 1px solid #887766;
border-radius: 1rem;
.custom-expansion .toggle {
text-align: center;
height: 3rem;
line-height: 3rem;
.custom-expansion h2 {
text-align: center;

under the hood

take <Tabs> as an example:

<Tabs> will be transformed to custom element but without shadowRoot.
<ss-tabs data-sync-key={syncKey} class={className}>
<nav class="tabs-nav" role="tablist">
{Array.from(data.keys()).map((label, i) => (
<div class:list={['tabs-nav-item', i === 0 && 'active']} role="tab">
<div class="tabs-content">
{Array.from(data.values()).map((content, i) => (
<div class:list={['tabs-content-item', i === 0 && 'active']} role="tabpanel">
<Fragment set:html={content} />
do nothing in CSR(Client-Side Rendering)

without shadowRoot, all js just works for hydration.
so SSG will work well.

last modified: 2024-08-10 21:45 +08:00